A superb game, but I have some mixed feelings.
What can I say? I first stumbled upon Saints Row 2 2 years ago and I loved it, more than GTA4. This installment has been worth the wait...
Except for a few dissapointments, all of them big. I remembered back in SR2, you could replay the missions without starting a new game. Loved that feature to death. But here, it is gone. The story is also bad, I won't spoil it but I'm pretty sure you will find it dissapointing. Another thing I found dissapointing was the removal of beloved activites like Fuzz, Sceptic Avenger, Demo Derby, Fight Club and Crowd control, instead, we get Trail Blazing (which I didn't like) back.
But the game still has a lot of positives. There are new tools of destruction at the player's disposal. Such tools include RC guns, Reaper drones and airstrikes. New vehicles like VTOLs and Tanks add to the fun. The upgrade system gives a RPG-like feel to the game. You can even upgrade a gun to fire incendiary rounds and add it with a laser sight. But unfortunatley, the upgrade system has a few negative points. One of them is the fact that we can't turn them off. Like when you upgrade to dual wielding, you can't go back to single wielding, and if you buy immunity to bullets, you can't be vulnerable again. Weapon customization is more like a upgrade system. Like for example, level 1 is the normal gun, level 2 gives you more damage and a red dot sight, level 3 gives you extended mags and level 4 gives you a belt magazine and a grenade launcher. You can't toggle which attachments are on and which are not, you just level up and you can't go back a few levels.
My conclusion? Saints Row The Third is a extremley fun game that gives you lots of toys to produce mahyem, but coupled with a dissapointing story, a not so good upgrade system and several other faults, it prevents it from going any higher. I give it a 9/10.