The Awesome combination of guns, cars, blood and sexual references results in one of the best games of 2011.

User Rating: 9.5 | Saints Row: The Third X360
Nothing about this game has made me want me put it down. It's graphics are not the best that we've seen but the unique game-play and great story make up for it. The story continues from the first to Saints Row games. You play as a the leader of the third street saints just like the first two games with some returning starts such as Johnny Gat and Shaundi. The story is mostly about revenge but despite this they managed to keep the story interesting but at the same time not make it the focus of the entire game.

The original activities and 'diversions' that are in the game, are by far the most fun things to do in Saints Row. Things like driving around in a car while a tiger is clawing at you and the animal protection agency is trying to catch you never gets old or flying through weird and wonderful gaps, like under bridges gives an adrenaline rush. All of the extra activities and collectibles makes it feel like you always have something to do.

This game is a must have from 2011 and i hope they release a fourth installment.