Have you ever wondered what drugs are like? Play Saints Row The Third.
When I first played on it I thought that the visuals were poor and the physics were almost the same as GTA San Andreas but thinking about it the game doesn't need brilliant visuals it's cartoon like and brilliant!
The story line for me is great but could do with more missions, for e.g racing, more decker user-web fighting and a few more boss missions, something along the lines of Matt Miller having a personalized Brute bodyguard so like a right hand man or henchman.
Some of the side-missions are brilliant but can be repetative and others are just annoying especially Snatch when your picking up pig faced prostitutes with an overall IQ of -1 they can't even walk up to a car door and open it sometimes!
The Avatar customization is great but a few things for me were missing such as more voices such as; Asian (Chinese or Middle Eastern) European, British Northerner (A scouse accent would be ace for the game) and finally a British southern gangster voice, YOU GET MEH? Also it would be good if you could adjust your height.
And the last thing I would change is the amount of Pro, Genki's walking around. Are you thinking what I'm thinking?