- The level design could have been done by a child. "Puzzles" are never harder than "pull the lever to open the door". The so-called hidden walls are made obvious by the minimap. There is absolutely nothing in the scenery that you can interact with, as opposed to any dungeon crawler out there.
- Combats are a bad joke. You can play the whole game in the abyssal difficulty setting and use only the auto-battle. The reason is as follows: when your level is superior to your enemy level, you regenerate faster than they can damage you. Conversely, whatever you do, you will never be able to beat an enemy that has around four of five more levels than you, because they regenerate too fast and dodge almost all your attacks. No need for powerleveling: if you don't escape the fights and don't rush the floors, you gain enough experience to keep up.
Some consequences:
- You don't need to adapt your party to face different kind of enemies.
- The skill scrolls occasionally dropped by enemies, that your party members can learn, are completely useless.
- With the exception of the seeds, which increase stats permanently, all the other items, such as healing potions and elixirs, are also completely useless.
- Every single girl that you can recruit is also… surprise… completely useless. You play with the three same girls, give them all the rare candies you come accross, and that's it.
- Don't expect any endgame. What the game says when you beat the final boss is a lie: there is only one optional boss that is defeated just like all the others, when your level is close enough to hers.
- Dialogues definitely don’t make up for the non-existent gameplay. They are uninteresting, way too repetitive… and laughably obscene, should you patch the game to get the uncensored version.
- There is no game world, only lesbian monster girls with unrealistic, huge boobs. Even if you're into these, I wouldn't recommend this game in the slightest. If you want a good dungeon crawler, then try, I don't know, Lands of Lore or StarCrawlers. And if you want a visual novel, Sakura Spirit from the same studio is much better than this.