Sam & Max are back for a short round but it's packed so well it makes you laugh all the way through.

User Rating: 7.8 | Sam and Max PC
For those of you who haven't played Sam & Max: Hit the road - I don't know where you've been the last ten years if that's the case. Anyhow, this is some type of follow-up to the cult comic adventure game.

At first I didn't believe this would be any good. Because through the recent years we've been hearing rumours of Sam & Max projects that would never see the light of day. So I was glad when I finally realized that this was for real and it was coming soon, so I had to check it out.

Another thing I was truly worried about was that Lucasart wasn't behind the production of this game so I had small hopes but I was proven wrong. It's simply a good game with dialoge that makes you laugh all the time. Even though it's very short.

Gameplay, graphics and the tilt is to say the best. Nothing spectacular but not bad either. So to it's shortness the value goes down and the voice acting makes you wish they had put in a few extra coins for that production. It's not bad either, but it's simply a little bulging. It sounds like Sam & Max are talking through a rusty bucket.

So to those who loved the original - this might not be as good as the original but you get to see Sam & Max at the top of their game for a short time. So what beats that? Well, alot of things considering the total value of the game but I don't mean it in a bad way. It's good if you don't have to much hopes about its length.

One of the best adventure games in the last few years, easily said. At least the "click and point" adventure-type.

So support the developers and buy this cheap game so we may see more of these two lunatics in the future! It's easily worth the 10$.