Sam & Max Episode 2 isn't quite as good as the first one and feels like a remake of the first one, but still good.
First of all the scenary is exactly the same - the three main places you can go to is unchanged and feel a little uninspired this time around. Another thing I felt great disappointment in is that jokes are also recycled. Everytime you click on that Lava lamp Max tells you the same joke even though the story takes place 2 months afterwards.
Anyhow, this is just minior stuff that don't make it "unplayable". You can still enjoy it and it's good as long as it last.
The story is about a TV-Host that gone nuts and is holding her audience hostage - which feels a little dumb and once again uninspired. And the things are pretty similar to the first one - you have to get something from Bosco (a guy at the "inconvience store") and help the psychatrist to find an alien. It's not really a challenge that way because you've almost done it before.
Another thing I like to point out is - did they change the actor's voice for Max or is it just me? It feels like the voice of Max isn't the same even though he's lines aren't any diffrent from Episode 1 due to the "jokes" that goes again.
Finally, this game is about Sam & Max so it's without doubt playable to say the least. I hope that Episode 3 and hopefully the other two feels diffrent from this one and that they drop the whole "do it again" scenario. It's feel to stupid. It feels like replaying the first game all over again.