This game ranks among humanity's most awful crimes!
GFX: Terrible!
The players look like they've been assembled from legos. The backgrounds are tiny 256 x 256 pics that are stretched until there's hardly any detail left. The stands are only 2 dimensional, meaning they were flatter than week old pancakes.
Game play: Horrible.
Pitching: I could choose from about 8 different pitches. A nice variety. Too bad everything was easy to hit out of the park with every player, regardless of their stats.
Hitting: The ball comes at you. It's nearly impossible to miss. You hit the ball. 90% of the time you'll get a home run.
Fielding: They hit the ball. The game tells you where it'll land. Move there. Catch the ball. The announcer says "THAT'S A-MA-ZING!!!"
It's easy to get the other teams out. Even if they hit it to the fence, you STILL have time to get them out before they're half-way to first. Sometimes the right & left fielders will stand there with his glove up, while the ball is 2 feet away until someone else comes to pick up the ball.
I've never seen anything this bad!
Base Running: Terrible!
You press the plus key to make them advance. They won't move. You tap it frantically. After a dozen times, they finally waddle on to the next base. Very annoying.
Say you're ahead by 30, 40, 50 runs. Even in "hard" difficulty (I've only played the 2 inning demo, the full game won't work on XP). Your baserunners sometimes take off when you tell them to stay. They won't listen to you tell them to go back. You're tapping the enter key like mad, but like morons, they keep going & get themselves out. Also very annoying.
Sound: Bad.
Sometimes the batter got wooden bats. The sound during replay would be the ting of a metal bat (and vise versa). A grounder down the 3rd base line would result in the announcer screaming "Nice hit! She swings! Somebody get the ball!!!"
The ball would come. I'd hit it. The Chatter would say "Hey batter! You STINK!!!. Or try to. It usually came out as "Hey batter! You.......hey ba..." as the ball sailed over the fence for a home run. Yeah.
I kept turning the Ambient, Announcer, & Chatter volume off.
Value: Terrible.
Not worth playing. Even for free. If you want softball, just go outside. Don't waste your time on this.
Reviewer's Tilt: Horrible.
This game is just so bad. Everything about it just sucks. The only video game on earth worse than this is Pong.