This fighter is pretty good it may not be the best but it still maintains some fun moments.

User Rating: 8 | Samurai Spirits Sen X360
First of all this is my first Samurai Shodown game.I thought this game was pretty good.The graphics are what a anime type fighter should be.The music in this game sucks though it doesn't fit well at all with the fighting elements.It just makes you end up playing your own custom music.The games combat features are pretty simple nothing to hard or to special.When i first got this game i popped it in and at first i couldn't hardly string combos together because i wasn't used to the controls.But once you get the hang of it you'll find there are some pretty cool combos and moves you can do.As for the grabber mechanic its nothing special at all in fact its quite dull since every character's grabbing techinque is the same you press the Y button and your character will simply grab and kick the other opponent.Which could have been seriously improved.They could have made it where each character did a different type of grab.But besides that the gameplay can get pretty interesting.It has a good number of fighters on the roster you'll get to play as 24 different characters.Each having their own fighting style and weapon.They also have different combos that they can string together to create pretty cool brutal combinations.After you fight your first round you will have to fight a second time.If you won the first round and you've got your opponent to very little health you can press RB to do a brutal finisher which involves some body part of your enemy getting cut off which is pretty cool.The story mode is nothing special it really doesnt even need a story mode because all it basically is,is a arcade mode.However you can unlock two characters by beating the story with the characters already unlocked.That basically sums up Samurai Shodown Sen.

The Good-Great graphics,Great gameplay,Brutal,

The Bad-Music sucks,Doesnt have a real story mode.