Talk about racing but in 2049.

User Rating: 9.4 | San Francisco Rush 2049 N64
San francisco rush 2049 was a blast. This game had every thing for a person, cool cars, muti player, battle, and many cool tracks. This game had every thing. You start out with nothing but some ok cars and than you keep driving unlocking tracks and cars along the way. Getting the gold and silver coins will help you unlock cars. The more miles you put on the more parts for your car you will get. I remember playing this game all night and day just getting miles. Also this game has a cool thing called stunt, where you just drive around pulling off stunts and trying to get the coins. THan theres battle, so fun with 4 of your buds. Getting all the cool weapons and killing your friends. What can you hate about that. This game is one of the best racing games ever made with many things to do and many things to unlock.