An ambitious project that misses a few things here and there, but makes it worthwhile and engrossing for the time spent.

User Rating: 7.5 | Saw X360
Before I go on remember that I am a huge fan of the saw movies and survival horror video games. Unlike Silent Hill: Homecoming this is not a polished product from beginning to end. There are hiccups and problems. Combat is all out broken. We're not talking Silent Hill 2 broken even worse. However combat is not that frequent and it is sometimes entertaining to kill an enemy with an environmental death. Something like having their head trap slam on them or their shotgun collar going off is a blast (pun intended). You can avoid combat all together, but to get the majority of the games achievements (which are easy) you will need to do a variety of killing. The weapon selection is nice enough. Not much of note though. The puzzles are both inventive and frustrating. You will be going through the same puzzle a million times before the end of the game. Even more if you fail it. Instead of constantly coming up with new puzzles after a while they will repeat and just get more complicated or a tighter time frame for completion. Sometimes it is even frustrating to the point of quitting...

Now let's get to the good. The puzzles are inventive your first time through them and they make you think. It is a smart game overall and the mood never really leaves you. The tension doesn't leave either as from early into the game till the end you will always have to be watching out for traps especially trip wire activated shotguns. Instant death traps like these are always around the corner. You never really feel safe and that is a plus. The mood and atmosphere are almost that of Silent Hill. The game does feel different though and is true to the Saw movies. It features many characters from them including the protagonist Detective Tapp. The voice acting is great and the story is enough to make you want to play on without becoming overbearing. I cannot stress enough about the tension and mood and how well they are played out.

So all in all it is a great first attempt at something new. Hopefully they make improvements to the formula and don't give up because of mixed reviews. It's worth a rent for sure, but with little replay value and such some people may be satisfied with just that. It's a solid, but flawed experience you will not soon forget.