I wanna Play a game, but first, this trip wire. Huh? BOOM!!!!
The puzzles in this game require patient yet speedy actions. You need to hurry but if you panic you'll fail every puzzle. Most puzzles are surprises and come at you at the most inconvenient time. Most of them include escaping nail bombs, deactivating poison gas, or finding the correct combination to lock. Many of them require deep thought and others are pretty straight forward. The Boss Puzzles are what get you though. These are not only challenging but also quite frustrating. Every time you mess up a cinema will show you the consequences of your actions. Adding to the tension, it also doesn't help that the person you're trying to save keep telling you to hurry, despite the fact that only 2 of the Boss Puzzles have time limits.
Let's talk the environment. Your in the little world that Jigsaw has created, you don't go anywhere he doesn't want you to. The whole Asylum is laced with other Jigsaw victims and they all want the same thing, the key Jigsaw has placed in your chest. You'll be ambushed at the most random times which is inconvenient seeing as the combat system is one of few flaws in this game. Hit detection is off and attack speed is slower than a turtle wielding a battle axe.
Ok. Now to explain what is quite possibly the most frustrating thing ever to be placed in a video game. (well, aside from that dog from Duck Hunt) There are Trip Wire activated Shot-Guns EVERYWHERE!!!!!!!! Every other room it seems has a trip-wire just waiting to go off in your face. Yes you can disarm them and there pretty easy to spot. That is IF your actually paying attention. There are so many time where you'll just be blazing through puzzles and enemies and you feel pretty good and like your progress and you walk down a hallway and BOOM!!!! Back to last checkpoint and back through all the puzzles and enemies. There are so many of these damn things it's not even funny. Thank God there wasn't an achievement for going 10 minutes without walking into one of these damn things,
Speaking of Achievements. This game is great for legit achievement earning. (yes I'm referring to hacks that have nothing better to do than to hack 700.000 achievement point and brag about it)
This is a great game and recommend it to any fan of the SAW films.