how come its so underrated?
The graphics are quite amazing, i'm sick of all these ds games using gameboy advanced graphics! what a waste of power! I'm also sick of the DS having such crappy games. look at the games today and beside nintendogs, mario carts, and animal crossing, nothing gets a good review. I couldn't believe this got some bad reviews!
the graphics are late playstation 1 mixed with early playstation 1 and it totally works.
The game is just outright fun. there are quite a few courses and all are very fun to play. Snowboarding is so awesome and now that i'm living in hawaii, all i have are the snowboarding games.
I don't listen to the music sinse it is the downfall of a great game. its way too....childish.
Basically, the whole shooting aspect of the game is there to hurt you and help you. just depends how well you use it. i loved it. it helped me back up to first place quite a bit of times.
The tricks are so cool, people complain that it takes too long to touch the screen but and its impossible. thats a lie! all you have to do is use your finger and tap away! don't be shy. the ds won't bite and if fingerprints are a problem, just use you nail. it works and i thought it would be a piece of crap but it wasn't. if you think its a piece of crap then you don't even have to use the touch screen at all.