Far more to it than you first think.. Much better than expected
After changing some settings, doing some practise laps, you start to realise how deep this game is. Being a fan of the Moto GP series, I never realised jut how arcade it was. SBK 08 doesn't always fully deliver graphically (although it is by no means an ugly game) the rider and bike models are good. However, SBK 08 leaves the Moto GP franchise trailing when it comes to physics, The riders mover more realistically, the bike handles how you would expect, and those little changes you make to the bike set-up perform how you would expect, letting you change your lap times with every little change, good or bad.
The AI is also streets ahead, with riders trying to go round and under, but never through you. (except when joining the track)
the on-line play is OK, but for me, this excels off-line, besides, can I be bothered dodging people riding round backwards?
This really is a solid bike racing experience, you just need to persevere and you will be rewarded with a proper bike racing sim.