RPG Racer

User Rating: 2.8 | Alfa Romeo Racing Italiano PS2
This game is only kinda cool. I don't know why the heck you all gave it an 8.8 This game is frustratingly annoying. The AI are a little to aggressive and it drives me nuts that they only have to be near you to intimidate you. EA's NASCAR should to beaten for creating the stupid intimitadion, 'cause ARRI's is just annoying. It's really hard to win, which a game that's too freakin hard sucks really bad. I do however like the idea of a racing RPG. It
Nice concept, but it needs work. this is a Weekend Renter, i give it an E for Effort and a B for idea and originallity. and a freakin X for gameplay. Gran Turismo has some pretty tough AI but at least their beatable with the right car. even Ford Racing wasn't this annoying.