Confusing, but once you understand it, it is pretty good!
This game does have good graphics. A downside about this game is that you can't really play it around other people because of the cursing. You cant say that Vivendi Games did a bad job of basing the game on the movie. The voices of the game's characters perfectly match up to those in the movie so it is really not a ripoff. A fun feature of this game is the Cartel Challenge. Your goal is to wipe out the city leaving your gang in control. This game mode may take time but if you can beat it, it proves that you are a strategic master. I beat the mode and it took about 43 rounds. A round in this game is a set of improving territories, selling and buying supplies, and at the end, attacking other territories in order to expand your control over the city.
In conclusion, it was pretty good and it would be perfect if it was an open world game!