A GTA-esque game with wii-mote controls, AND an f-bomb dropping button? How can you refuse?
Graphics - 6/10
Tony himself looks good, everything else is ass. Characters hands are chunky, draw distances are decent, but nowhere as good as a gta game, and the facial models make children cry, Decent for a ps2 game, but poor on a wii game.
Sound - 8/10
Major props to this game for one thing: a swear button. You flick the nunchuck, and you start yelling f-words at civilians, he'll sometimes he yells at the air, funny stuff. The music is decent, and the voice overs are alright too. But the swear button is really where the sound category gets it points. Gameplay - 7/10
This really is the first GTAish game on the wii so far (feels more gtaish than godfather, i mean) You run around shooting people, getting "balls" for shooting them in specific regions (im not making that up) but you cant shoot innocent bystanders, yet you can beat the snot out of them, using the wii remote of course. Wii controls are finicky, but very learn-able. Just very fun overall.
Tilt - 8/10
I don't mind gta style games, but most of them are rushed out crap (driv3r, for example) With the exception of total overdose on the ps2, this is my favorite non-gta sandbox game.
Overall: I was very impressed with this game. I came in expecting garbage, but came out with pleasant thoughts. The controls could've been better and the graphics are fairly ugly, but the solid gameplay and constant uses of the word f**k make this one easy for me to recommend. I was actually amazed ninty didn't censor this one at all, but whatever, you want this game I know. Do yourself a favor and get it.