This game is by no way broken, it can be fun, but it's sure is not perffect ether.
Good should come first. I liked the graphics they are an example of late PS2 code. While I have never been there from what I can tell they captured the feel of 1980's Miami perfecly. They introduced some new idea's into the genre and at the start this is all good. At the start that is....
The game has many repetitive moments, repetitive moments, repetitive moments and like reading that last bit after a while that can become bland, this lets down what could be a great game.
Al Pachino did not do the voice like he did the the film of the same name and with the constant swearing it can be difficult to understand what Toni is saying. Swearing in the game stays true to the lisence, but should have been scaled down at least for the sake of understandability. Another flaw is it came after Grand Theft Auto SA and now has the all mighty IV in its way. It tries to distance it's self from GTA even though they are near same in concept, by giving you the option to by things for your home but the only real way to get these is more repetitive missions.
They took some liberties with the licence for the reason that (WARNING SPOILERS if you've not seen the film skip the next paragraph!!!)
Toni is killed at the end of the movie, this asks what if he survived. {I've seen the movie and it would have been on heck of an act of god!}
The game is neither bad nor is it good. It is a time filler, till the next GTA comes out and if you this I like customisation then Saints Row 2 does it better.
Do not get me wrong this game can be fun and I want to give it a higher score but this is how it is. Give it a 0.5 more if your bored.