This kind of reminds me of GTA. Its more or less the same thing. this has a few draw backs and advantages. like exotics.

User Rating: 7.8 | Scarface: The World Is Yours PC
This kind of reminds me of GTA. Its more or less the same thing. this has a few draw backs and advantages. like exotics. Wow check out some of the cars and boats also the upgrades for the mansion. it has a shark in the tank where the globe thing was. whats up with tony and tigers. Never The less its pretty interesting,. was sup praised to see more islands down in the map. You got plenty of ways to earn money . the leads keeps me occupied. Considerable gun upgrades really help. And god bless The auto aim. this Games virtually brings army all the time to kill you. the boses seem easy but getting there is tuff, love tonys accent. its realy intresting to listen to him talk. recommended for people whp liked gta to extream. as tony would say grab the game by the balls good luck