this game is good i love it:)i love playing as tony montana SAY HELLO TO MY LITTLE FRIEND!!!!!!!! i am

User Rating: 8.8 | Scarface: The World Is Yours PS2
this game is good i love it:)i love playing as tony montana SAY HELLO TO MY LITTLE FRIEND!!!!!!!!

i am a fan of scareface and playing the game was sooo cool very good game scareface rocks !!!!!! the beginning of the game starts out easy but then it gets harder along the way to get to the next levels.i love the weapons and the cars and boats you can buy sooo cool :)

i dont like in the game when the white line on the map is completly around the map which means the cops are coming after you and you have to get lost and every time you have to keep paying off the heat from the gangs but over all i still love and enjoy playing it.