This game was a classic the moment he said,"say hello to my little friend!"

User Rating: 10 | Scarface: The World Is Yours XBOX
This game was awesome, plain and simple, I mean I remember when my dad used to put the movie on all the time and have me watch it when I was six, so I was a fan from the gate. I like how the game makes u answer the question,
what if tony montana survived the big scene in the movie and lived to get even with sosa the man who sent the hit squad to come after him. I like all the different guns u can have even though I was kind of upset I couldn't have the gun he started off with that could shoot bullets and rockets, they still had a good selection like the ak-47, the bazooka, the machine gun, assault rifle, 45 handgun, and more. I like how u can have a squad of your own to help u build your empire, like the enforcer, the cute female who was a sniper, and the limo driver. even though the concept of the game was done already it still did not hurt this game one bit, I mean what game hasn't took an idea from some other game and ran with it like all the war games, an the matrix with bullet time.

So if your looking for a non-stop action game with the best voice over acting I've heard in years, with a good plot, and your old enough, then check out scarface.