This boring repetitive GTA rip off ruins the reputation of a great movie.

User Rating: 6.1 | Scarface: The World Is Yours PS2
The game starts in story mode, you are at the mansion and willing to die so far so good. But...
- There is no aiming when you shoot at people just little circles that make you wish your 1000 dollar computer was a cheap playstation, might as well be there is no precision to anything. + The SoundTrack is absolutelly gorgeous, many rare songs from the time as well as great new songs related to the topic.
- The game goes in "mission mode" all fun until you do them times in a row and become beyond boring.
- The dialogues are less than fair, the insults while graphical in nature do not mean anything in spanish, things like "PINGITA!!!" who's translation in english means something but the rest is just retarded. It is not cuban is more like mexican.
- The game is circular with no end so what could have been a fantastic store if done at least fps style is reduced to a game nobody would remember just like The Godfather game.
+ You get into story mode two more times to avenge the attempt in your life and for a few minutes of endless killing you feel there "might" be something to the game.
- In some missions the amount of enemies is never over, just like a sci fi game of some sort the only way to get rid of them is to stand in a red spot..... how unrealistic for this type of game.

P.S. I played it from end to finish because I was born and raised in cuba and was hoping it would represent me well even if by showing the worst side. It obviously failed to do so.

Do not buy this game it contains nothing worth looking at.