Cheap enough to be a steal, but this is no crime!
There are tons of cars to purchase while the driving mechanics can at times seem quite unpolished, some cars are great to drive none the less. Boats are another key ingredient in this game and are quite fun to just zoom around in. The weapons selection is great as are the shooting mechanics, locking on gives you a little bit of wiggle room to shoot someone in a specific body part which is great for a laugh or 500. You can also gamble around town but after you've acquired a few fronts it just becomes boring and a waste of both time and money.
You can also purchase a driver who will deliver any of your cars to you or an enforcer to take care of business Tony might not be able to handle and later you acquire a scantly clad sniper who's shots are as right on as her skirt it short! You can also purchase many items that you can (to an extent) place anywhere in your mansion, this however is a task due the to clunky mechanics for this option. These items are at times required to gain much needed reputation points to attain a new level.
Even with all the fun and new ideas this game presents it has it's truly huge issues, most of your business is done through a meter much like you would see in a golf game, this becomes a frustrating mess as the speed varies from one situation to the next and most times it's used to truly save your own backside. During difficult missions AI will often shoot through a wall or building and hit Tony with the greatest of accuracy, even from long range. Some other issues stem from details being over looked such as if your car blows up while cashing in from your fronts it's all over making it almost impossible to accomplish once you've unlocked every island even with the fastest car.
There are also the henchmen you've recruited to keep your fronts open and safe, they're complete morons! If a gang happens to attack one of your fronts your henchmen will do absolutely nothing to stop them until you arrive, even then they're not very helpful as they often times just stand in the way as the violent hordes of money hungry gang members destroy your front but they do buy you valuable time if you're not far away. Also, after you've eliminated all the gangs from Miami they still crop up from the dead while you're doing your delivery rounds, many times you'll be so far away from a front under attack that you'll just have to take it for a loss and hope they don't start on another directly after destroying the current front. As the game progresses the gangs get tougher but it's usually just a matter of tactics over guns blazing. Dead Rival gangs also chase you down while you're collecting from your fronts killing your car with the greatest of ease and running you down from miles away within seconds.
Often this games can get frustrating but it stands out overall as a great game. And while it does date the game in the late 1980's it does little to nothing to keep you feeling like you're in that era. Vice City was great about making you feel as though you were living and breathing in a 1980's society, but thats just a minor fault with this otherwise great game! There will no doubtingly be hours upon hours of addictive fun has with this game!