Scarface is like GTA only better, which means it must be good!!!!!!!
When you have finished the first mission of killing sosa's henchmen your house is taken and your empire is destroyed,this means you have to rebuild it by any means necissary!!!!!!!!
When your empire is rebuilt you only have one thing on your mind and that is to take revenge on Sosa!!!!!!!!!
In the game there are loads of weopens, vechicles and things for your mansion to unlock and buy.
In the game you also take over Miami one place at a time, and if you get tired of Miami you can get on your floatplane and fly to one of the many island in the middle of the sea!
After a while you may get tired of being Tony so you can change to one of your henchmen such as the enforcer, the assassin or your driver.
so if you like a game like GTA only better this is the game for you!