Better than Grand Theft Auto? Possibly...
The game takes place after the events of the movie. I'm not going to ruin it for you, just watch the movie and see or play the game and get over the whole rewriting of things. The game is still very much like the movie, or atleast what you think it would be like if what the game is saying happened instead...
Tony Montana and the other characters look/sound good, as well as the whole game does. Nothing special about the graphics, but it does look really good. The sound is great - I love the music, and the fact you can listen to it any time - not just when you're in a car.
The game has a good storyline that is lenthy - should keep you playing for months. It's addictive just doing things like the side missions and stuff like that too.
The game is very funny. I cant really explain it, but its just the things that happen in the cutscenes when the story is moved along, or when Tony speaks to people on foot or shouts at another driver in a car.
The game is pretty violent, but hey arent most games these days. What made me laugh (and might offend others) is there is alot of swearing. Tons in fact, but again, its meant to be like the movie.
Last thing I'd say is if you're a fan of the movie or just these type of games in genneral - get the game, you wont be dissapointed.