Awesome game, much deeper than any of the games in the grand theft auto series.

User Rating: 9.5 | Scarface: The World Is Yours PS2
living the life of tony montana is probably the greatest part if this game. from having to do drug runs to dealing the coke, its all great, and the open enviroment setting also lets you take controll of tony's henchmen and assassians. the only reason why i would give it a 9.5 instead of a 10 is the A.I. isn't that brite, making for easy kills. also the ability to customize your manson with the unique collectibles adds another spectrum to the game. you can buy everything from tony's wifes remains, to the liberty bell.and personaly my favorite part is being one of tony's henchmen and doing all of his dirty work in the open world. from taking out targts set by tony, to just taking out gangs in the area it's all great fun. this is probably the best open world game that i have ever played and it will be tough to beat.