You'd at least expect the stuents to stay at school, regardless if there aren't toilets or not. And... earthquakes? WTH?
For 1, you don't do the timetables, the student gets to pick all the subjects he wants. He can do Social Studies 8 times, and still complain that there aren't any sporting facilities, even though you have a deluxe tennis court right next to the classroom.
Why must every classroom be portable?! Did the developers ever go to an Indoor school? I thought we'd be able to buy the desks, chalkboard, pick the class size, but NO! Everything came with a click of a button, in either a small, medium or large portable.
One thing that reall bugs me in this game is... the lack of realism. Why in the world is there an earthquake every 6 months?! And the tornadoes aren't any better. Now only in a child's dream would you be allowed to leave school because the lack of bathrooms... there are 60 port-o-potties over there! Use them!! Overall the game was a disappointment, if there's going to be a School Tycoon 2, I hope they realize where they went wrong.