Really fun game! Lots of throw backs 2 the classics. Brings me back 2 the days of 'Streets of Rage' & 'Final Fight'
The game doesn't seem to take itself too seriously. It has the best of the classic side scrolling fighting games with a nice 8-bit style animation to it. All the humor from the comic is included in the game which makes it really awesome.
One of the great thing I thought about this game was the inclusion of RPG elements. You can level your fighters and you can also buy items to help your fighters stats. With each level you earn a new fighting move. If I remember correctly it seems to cap off at level 17. Not sure if this will increase or if there are more levels just not shown in the move list.
The only issue I found with this game is the fact there is no online co-op mode and if you playing and have room for another player they can't just drop in. They have to start from start menu with you. Not sure if this will be changed in an update but its not something that would completely turn me off from playing this game. Really for $9.99 thats the only issue I can find to mention? I think this game earns every coin I dropped on getting this.
My final suggestion is to get this game. its a must have in you PSN library. Great lil party game and if you ever read the books then you really have to get this because the references are non-stop and around every corner. ENJOY!