1st Impressions: Grand Theft Android. Scrapland offers a great variety of gameplay in a sci-fi universe.
Gameplay: There are tons of things to do in the world of Scrapland, you can race in your custom starship, explore on foot, or dogfight against a.i. oppnenents or with a friend with the multiplayer mode. It's a massive world just waiting for you to explore it, and the gameplay makes exploring it worthwile.
Graphics: There are some pretty impressive visuals in Scrapland. It has that sci-fi cartoony feel which suits the game perfectly, and adds an amount of depth to an already deep game.
Sound: The sound effects are passable, but nothing more than passable. The voice-overs are very well done, and give the residents of Chimera City a bit of personality, but the music and sound effects aren't what they could have been.
Value: If you're looking for a game that will give you many hours of gameplay for a very affordable cost, this is a great pick up.
Final Remarks: I look forword to playing more of Scrapland and jacking space ships... or not.