Despite some of the worst controls known to man, Scribblenauts is one of the best games you could possibly play.
Once you get past the hair-pullingly frustrating lava-pit suicide moments, the game is quite fun. What is especially fun is completing levels in absurd ways, such as one time when I rescued a penguin on an iceberg by airlifting the entire iceberg. Sometimes, when you want to exercise your creativity, you can go to the level creator or simply play around in the title screen which doubles as a sandbox mode.
Overall, I highly recommend this game. The experience has a joyful charm to it, and overall feels light, simple, and thoroughly enjoyable. However, if you are very uncreative, you will have some issues with enjoying the game. But that's your fault, not the game's.
Gameplay: 10/10: I cleaned up a park by bombing the trash.
Graphics: 7.5/10: The graphics are extremely simple and minimalistic, but that's somewhat necessary for a DS game such as this.
Sound: 8/10: The music is nice and varied, though some of the sounds are reused for different characters.
Replay Value: 15/10: It is fun completing levels in idiotic ways that would put you in an insane asylum in real life.
Overall: 9/10: A masterpiece that could be improved had the controls been operated by D-Pad.