One of the best games ever concieved.
Gameplay 8.5
The concept is pretty simple yet as deep as it can get. You start with a little tutorial that explains to you everything you need to know to play the game and then comes the good stuff. One thing you really need to know is that in each level the objective is to get the starite(a starlike object) and you earn ollars to buy stuff and new levels.
There are 2 kinds of levels, puzzle and action. In the puzzle levels you only have to do what they tell you to do in order to get the starite, like giving a chef what he needs or on the later get 3 flowers to a little girl though each of them in very difficult places to get, like theres one on a pond but with a shark in it. Then comes the action levels that put the starite in plain sight and you have to get it no matter what though some levels have restrictions.
And to solve all the levels you have a nice tool, almost anything! Yep you heard that right you can use any object from real life except for trademark objects(no mario or zelda) and bad words (no shi....or pen...) and in the end you have like 22000 objects in your hands but the cool thing is that they all behave like in real life and it all works.
The only downside on the gameplay side is one that is as frustrating as it can be and it will ruin many of your puzzle solving and that is the control of Maxwell that can be described in one word, sucks, because you cant control him with precision so it is a pain to be close to finish a level and puff you fall down to the shark tank cuz instead of flying you only jumped and died. But even with this mayor flaw it is not enough to not go and buy the game, you will get used to it but still it will annoy you plenty of times.
Graphics 8.0
Scribblenauts doesnt push the ds limit on the graphic department not even by an inch, but considering the sheer amount of content it is understandable. Still the artwork is pretty cool and looks nice (you got to love the robot zombies).
Sound 8.5
A really happy soundtrack that will have you listening for hours to come and you will never get bored of it. It is fresh and even if you dont like it it wont bother you at all.
Replay Value 9.0
There are 200 puzzles and some of which are really hard and for you to beat it completely you have to solve each 3 times with different objects, you can create your own levels and also download,buy stuff with your earned ollars and theres a open sanbox game when you start Scribblenauts in which you can summon anything that comes to mind just for fun that will consume most of your time. If you want to know who will win between a T-Rex and a Dragon or a ninja and a superhero then go buy this game as fast as you can.