You can get pretty creative with this game even if not all items work the way you wanted or expected. FUN

User Rating: 8.5 | Scribblenauts DS
One of the most original games ever. It is very innovative and fun. The start screen is like a sandbox mode where you can do whatever you want without the fear of straying off task. Puzzle levels are really fun because the reaction of the things to what you do to them of give is sometimes funny (depending on what you give) and you can do some really unusual stuff. Action mode is equal fun because there also a variety of solutions with less rules but not as many funny reactions. The only problem is the the controls sometimes don't react correctly even though its point and click. Also some stuff you expect to happen don't and vice versa. Plus when you add and adjective to something it doesn't modify the object at all for virtually if not all object. Chicken Monster is the same as Frog Monster (and probably a few other things), and Anything - Man just is a man (even RickRoll).
Overall this is the fun game and uses a lot of imagination