An awesome idea but controls almost destroy it!
Scribblenauts is a game about a boy named Maxwell who wants to get a Starite. There is no story in the game. You just have 220 level and in each you need to get a Starite to complete it. The idea is that you can write any object and it will appear in the game. It will act just like in real life and you need to use those objects to complete the level.
The game is divided in 10 worlds. Each world has got 11 action levels and 11 puzzle levels. In action you see the Starite and you have to get it (there is a Starite on the tree and you need to get it down). In puzzle levels you dont see the Starite but you get a hint and you need to figure out what to do and when you do it a Starite appears (there are a fireman, a policeman and a doctor and you need to give two of them what they would hold in real life).
The biggest problem in the game are controls. You need to tap on the touchscreen and Maxwell will run in that direction. You use the D-pad to move camera around. It gets frustrating when you want to move object but Maxwell starts running in that direction. If they would use the D-pad to move Maxwell it would be much better.
The early levels are really easy but later in the game they become really hard. The vocabulary is big but its a shame that a demon is the same as devil, that Hades is the same as death...
Scribblenauts is an interesting idea which just needs a sequel with fixed controls. How much you will enjoy the game depends on your imagination.
Presentation: 8.5
Sound: 8.0
Gameplay: 9.0
Lasting appeal: 9.5
Overall: 8.5