What is the point of this game?

User Rating: 1 | Sea of Thieves XONE

I started out thrown onto this island where I had no idea what to do or where to go. There are no markers on the map, Not even a slight indication of where you are supposed to be going. So after helplessly exploring for a few minutes, I ended up just waiting for my teammates to complete whatever task we had to do before we could finally get started on our "adventure".

I use that term loosely because there really isn't one. You have to slowly and painstakingly travel to each area on a ship that moves rather slowly. So in our case, It took about 15 minutes to get there and then do a rather generic task in order to complete our generic mission. Did I use the word generic too much? Because I feel I am not using it enough. There's no originality in the quests at all - Defeat this, Find that. It's all been done before. I expected something different but there isn't and with absolutely no story what so ever (and I truly mean that), There's no real lore behind things either. So you are just doing these generic (lol) tasks with no story behind it for no real reason what so ever.

Each task gains level ups for each of the three different factions and in turn, allows you to buy exclusive loot with them. Sadly, The loot is purely cosmetic. There is no level up system for your ship or your character and it's because the game is open-world and they want to keep it fair for all players, Which I get but that also cheapens the experience. There's so little content that there is no need to keep playing the game if all you can do is buy outfits with your loot. And there is the real flaw of the game:

There is absolutely nothing to do. Every mission is the basically the same thing but under a different person or faction. The rewards? Coins. What can you do with coins? Buy purely cosmetic loot that means nothing lmao. And for a quick mention of the combat, It sucks. One button for your sword and another for your gun, No special moves at all. And ship controls can be a bit complicated since they don't tell you how to work the ship in the first place.

Overall: 1/10
Making this an open world game was their biggest mistake. It stripped the game of a potential level up system and a lot of depth. This could have been like Borderlands on the high seas but sadly, It didn't turn out like that. Instead, We got a very barebones release that offers nothing unique or original.