Trying to make you have a diffrenet life. Dumb, but fun from time to time.

User Rating: 7 | Second Life PC
As I fly thru the main land with my cool character, I notice lots of people playing. The graphics aren't good and the camera is slow at times, but it makes you feel like "Wow. I have a new life." Well, all that is true until you explore 6.5minutes of the game and you get boring completely.
Its a bit funny socailizing with other characters, but most of them are like "Wtf? Get the fuk off my fu*king house." So that ruins the online world of the game.
As you fly your way across the main land you discover more and more, but it is really boring.
To conlcude, this is a nice gimic that doesnt last long, but it is fun to jump into from time to time when your mad at your first life.