Breathless journey, unmatched to this day.
It may not have the best graphics for some people but personally, I loved them. Not to mention the fact that the engrossing story and characters (including our hero of course) which manage to bring out emotions and that bits of 'caring' you are otherwise missing in other AAA titles these days for the NPC's/player character.
Gameplay is perfect, controls are good if not perfect and the 'only' problem with them is the game camera. EVEN THEN, after you are done playing the tutorial or the first few levels, you will get used to the controls and forget about the camera. Camera won't won't bother you at all as you dwell deeper into the mind of your character and the people he meets. The game has suspense, thrill with large dose of adrenaline pumping stealthy action in every level.
Do note that this game is NOT made to be played in one sitting, else you WILL get bored very easily. I played this game for an hour or two every day over 2 weeks. I have so many games installed (Crysis to BioShock) and I would skip right past them to load up this game every day because I wanted to know more, more about the past of the hero, more about the mystery and conspiracy he was involved in.
Action is great, but my favorite part was throwing enemies around from a distance, choking them to death (like Darth Vader) before they could run and alert others or simply creating an illusion of yourself that was invisible to their eyes but could interact with that dreaded lever at the end of the room.
Oh and I should probably mention one of 'the best' GUI's on computers I have ever seen in any game ever. Or the chat you have with a flirting lover after strangling her love interest to death. But you should just buy this game and play it, it's worth finding gems like this and more.
(-1 because of controls.. but you get used to them FAST.. unless you are a brain dead retard.)
This game has way better story and gameplay than most games being released these days. Second Sight is the reason why games can claim to be art and better form of entertainment than 2-3 hour movies. THIS is why games are better than sitting through movies (well, most of the time) and THIS is why it makes me sad that games these days are just average console crapwares (this game was out on consoles first) while they could have been so much more if the developers concentrated on gameplay and story first over next gen high poly models. Sigh!