Second Sight is an extremly good game with great gameplay. I just love this game because of the 3 ways you have to go about most of the missions. The first option is to use stealth, stealth is probably your best option to tackle the great but sometimes frusturating missons. The main character can take cover, hand to hand over pipes and walls and hide in lockers.The second option is using weapons. throughout the game you will have a number of weapons at your disposal. These weapons range from pistols to shotguns and machineguns. Using weapons isn't always the best choice and the game dosne't encourage you to use them except in the earlier missons in the past. Your third option is your pyshic powers that go from telekinesis to astral projection. These powers are fun and you will be using them allot through the games missons. The great thing is you don't have to choose waht you want to do and stick with it , you can combine the three options for excellent results. The story in Second Sight is good and keeps you guessing till the very end, So you only know what the main character knows. You will play as a man named John Vattic who at the begging wakes up in total isolation in a medical facility while discovering his powers and his past. The takes place on two different time lines. The past and the present. The levels in the past are more shooter focused, while the levels in the present are more stealthy. The cool thing about the game is that what you do in the past affects the present. The graphics are okay and the blood is awesome. The voice acting is good but only for the main characters. The guards and enemy soldiers you will face pretty much all sound the same. The game also forces you to stop and go to a menu to change weapons and powers. Problems aside the game is great for any platform and any sc-fi, shooter or stealth fan will love it.
This is one of those games which never get the right amount of press and just disappear under the hype-fest in the press over generic games like WOW and Gears of War (just few of the many). It may not have the best gr... Read Full Review
Haven't played a game with such a great story for a long long time. Sorry for the introduction, but I just can't help myself. No RPG of Adventure would have to be ashamed of such twisted and surprising story. It's t... Read Full Review