a great game defiantly one for the experienced and know the ratchet and clank series i defiantly enjoyed it.

User Rating: 8.5 | Secret Agent Clank PSP
this games is defiantly not easy you will you get a great challenge from it.the weapons are really unique and cool to my personal favorite the tangle vine carnation its a little flower and i gets the enemies and eats but sometimes they escape but it gets them back straight after but eventually it disappears. Another great thing is the story line you are eager to know did what. if you have played ratchet and clank 3 you will remember thyroindoids and you have battle other monsters from the series to in the arena you can get bolts by doing it to you can also get bolts by doing gadgebot challenges and snowboard challenges.caption qwark manged get himself into this one to he writes his writing a book an you have to act out as qwark the story but its not just a mini game it plays a big part in the end. here is a hint before you quit save your game no matter what. this is a pretty good game so i gave it a 8.5 and its defiantly worth buying