Secret Files Tunguska was a real fun game, Secret Files Puritas Cordis is even better!
is even better in every aspect. A very good and easy control system as well as an engaging story and
well rendered nice backgrounds and graphics as well as amusing puzzles makes this game a really entertaining experience.
Nina the heroin of the previous game is on her way to a cruise holiday and before entering the ship she faces an odd accident at the harbor which follows by her luggage being changed with a luggage of an unknown person. But before this we watch another scene in which we find out about a scroll which
is being found by a priest who is getting murdered shortly after trying to figure out it's content. Well at first I was a bit disappointed to see this opening, we just had so much of these mysterious manuscript being found in a creepy chapel, been there, done that sort of games but it ended as a short sequence
followed by Nina entering the ship in a sunny bright day. Nina Kalenkov is one of the most real and touchable game protagonist I remember. She is even more perfect than many rpg game characters.
When you play her, it feel like you know her or you know her kind of person. She is a motorcycle mechanic which comes handy so it is believable that she can fumble around technical issues and handiwork like assembling a motorboat. She is also witty, flirty and nasty, the kind of person who would
get herself into trouble. The puzzles, a bit too easy sometimes, but still amusing and not so flat or boring and do need a certain amount of brainwork. There is no moment of boredom in this game and Nina manages to make you smile with her humor and witty comment every now and then. The controls are also easy and comfortable and there is an in-game tips and hints you can either switch off to make the game more challenging or keep it on if you don't want to check the walkthrough every now and then. The Graphics and the level design although not numerous like in Tunguska, are nice and detailed. The game is 2D but sometimes you feel some sort of depth of scene which gives you a feeling perceptive which makes the enviroments more real. The voice acting is not among the strongest points of this game but it is acceptable. Translating game to English is some times an issue though I
played Tunguska in original German language and Secret Files2 in English and couldn't mark any big difference. The music and general atmosphere also helped to make this game more appealing and all this have made Secret Files 2 Puritas Cordis a pleasant but short gaming experience which reminds fan of old school point&click and the fun we had playing them.