A WW II game that will have arcade fans or even plane junkies entertained for quite a while...
You can play against your friends or against the computer with the planes you have unlocked during the missions and challenges. The controls of the game are really easy to adapt to – only one game stick is used but if you want harder and more maneuverable controls you can go to options to change the configuration of the joystick. The game is very hard to beat especially if you expect to beat a level from the first try, since you need to get used to the level and decide if you want to beat the secondary or bonus goals (goals apart from the primary, which help you unlock planes or/and get you extra requisition forms). With the requisition forms you can upgrade your planes with extra gun ammo, double cannon ammo, double your rocket and bomb capacity. Planes can also be upgraded with armor (makes them more resistant but heavier), airframe (makes them more maneuverable) and engine (they get faster with a higher climb rate). There is also a clip gallery where the air museum talks about some planes as well as a few clips about the music production of the gam