Very surprised at how fun and addicting this game is. An amazind deal, since it's now selling for around $10 for the PC version. I highly recommend to anyone who likes flight's defintely worth getting. Even though this is not reallly a simulation, nor does it claim to be, it is a very superbly done action flight game. (key word is action) This has the feel of playing Crimson Skies, which was also an action oriented flight game, and still very fun to play today. Secret weapons however is less realistic than Crimson Skies was, since you can have no actual in-cockpit views, and the whole feel is more arcade like. However...putting realism aside, SWON is a very fun game to play, lots of action, lots of cutscenes during missions, lots of challenge missions, bonus movies, & bonus planes for you to earn, etc. Oh yeah did I say lots of action? The gameplay features rewards for completion of objectives, and this style of play get's quite addicting keeping you glued to the game to just get a little further...and unlocking more. The campaign seems very fast moving, but get's very's way cool each time you get a new plane to fly during the course of the progress, many of them the "secret protypes". All and all SWON is an extremely fun romp through the WW2 skies, and a nice break from those "more realistic" but slower moving flight sims. Graphics, sound are top notch like you'd expect from Lucasarts. Oh yeah... it's cheap, it's alot of gaming packed on 4 cd's, and for the current going prices it's a real and go buy it!!!
Other Helpful Reviews for Secret Weapons Over Normandy
If you try to take this game too seriously, you'll miss the enjoyment! I've enjoyed all of Mr. Holland's games immensely - from SWOTL and on through the Star Wars genre. While this product is not a true flight simulato... Read Full Review
I still fondly remember playing Lucas Arts wonderful WWII air combat flight sim "Battle of Britain 1942 - Their Finest Hour" which preceded the even more popular "Secret Weapons of the Luftwaffe" titl... Read Full Review