A set of Classic ganes from the Mega Drive era for everyone to enjoy again.
This collection is differen, everyone of the 30-odd Titles featured here is a quality game. Most stand up well to modern standards with only a few saying 'Nostalgia'.
Most game styles are covered here including Simple Platformers, RPG's, Puzzle, Hack and Slash, Arcade and Beat 'em up. Playing the RPG's will take up to 100 hours with the rest accounting for around 20 total without repeat plays.
The main games featured here are Phantasy Star 2,3 and 4 (A Classic RPG similer to Final Fantasy), Sonic the Hedgehog 1 and 2, Shinobi 3 and Golden Axe 1,2 and 3. These Titles are worth the admission price alone. The Emulation of all the Titles are spot-on featuring all the Glitches and Cheats from the originals. Surprisingly, although these titles date from the early Nineties the Graphics for most still look quite good, naturally these aren't 'next-gen' graphics but they are extremely solid.
The sound effects are quite good, the quality of the reproduction is almost 100%. The highlight of the sound is the Music within the Phantasy Star games.
The collection is a must for Sega fans, Retro game fans and people who simple want to see what gaming was like in the early '90s.
Highly Recommended.