An awesome collection, that has over 30 games on the go. Sega thanks for being awesome.
If you press the Triangle Button on the title of a game it will show you the story of the game, also if you scroll down the whole list of the story you'll find a "Did you know?" part of it. Those can help you learn alot of Sega history and its actruely fun to read each and every bit of history on the disc. Though there are alot of fun games on the disc there are also some bad games to. Congo Bongo is pretty much a bad rip-off of the original Donkey Kong. The Ecco Series (in my opinion) is boring. All you do is swim around and talk to other Dolphins that you meet through out the game.
Some games like to show that they can be odder than the other. You play a game as a star named Ristar, then you play Altered Beast which is a very funny game when it comes to transforming into a wolf or something else you don't know of, good game though.
This game is a great game for the people who like Old-School Sega games.