Dirt over Sega Rally? NO WAY !!
Dirt drives VERY floaty..like for example.. when ur goin at a high speed and ur about to make a turn...you will get the feeling that ur car will just take off LOL im serious... and i also noticed that the turning point of the car is the center ...which is kinda unrealistic.... another thing about Dirt....is that there is no real online gameplay..all u do is just race by urself and try to beat the clock...then compare it with other people (i was VERY disappointed by this cause i love online)..
anyways lemme stop comparing the 2 games and get on the review lol
First off...pros and cons...sry if i missed anything but i just got the game a few days ago kk
Pros: -Great graphics (arcade look)
-Geodeformation is a great new feature (although i dont think it affects too much of ur driving...i just thought its a great new add on; Cool to look at too)
-solid FPS (even online)
-Up to 6 players in an online game (i think 6 is just right cause ...too many cars = crowded)
-2 player offline splitscreen (biggie for me cause i friends come over a lot and yeah...u know also in splitscreen..the FPS doesnt dip and graphics are toned down either so....cool)
-challenging Champion mode (basicaly the career mode...i put challenging cause the AI cars go really fast...and they almost never go out of control)
-Use of the Sixaxis ( I think its a good option...gives u more of a challeng when u master how to drive with the stick)
*theres probably more pros...i just cant think of all of them right now so yeah*
-Not a ton of cars u can choose from (Aprox 30 cars...I dont have a problem with it ...but I admit its not a lot compared to like GT for ex LOL)
-Not a ton of maps to play on (Theres about 18+ maps to play ...i personaly think thats enough but some people like to have Tons of maps top play on so it feels fresh and more challenging not knowing what to expect)
-Cant really customize the cars like in NFS games
-Motion sensing (To me its a bit too sensative and there isnt an option to adjust it...kind of a disappointment to me but its not horrible)
-needs more options....A lot of games, not just racing, lack some important in game options...like for ex.....You cant adjust the sensativity of the motion sensing (ive mentioned before) ...u cant change b/w vertical and horizontal view when ur playing splitscreen (not a biggie but some people like it one or the other). stuff like that.
-There is no real "lobby" for online play (kinda like ranbow6 vegas sorta thing... to be honest....it sorta bothers me.. but its not that big a deal, i just wanna get racing!)
-NEED MORE PLAYERS ONLINE....seriously i play it online a few times...but takes a while to find enough people so PLZ MORE People!!! its really GREAT online ...no lag....no fps dips !
*These are all I can think of right now... so...if u happen to catch anything, plz dont flame me lol...i tried.
Gameplay 8.8/10 :
Fast paced....high speed....smooth drifts....Sweet rally style gameplay ;-)
I would have gave it a 9..its just I personally like arcade racers more than simulation racers so... perhaps my rating was biased subcontiously (hence me taking 0.2 points off making it look like i made an effort :P )
Graphics 9.3/10 :
Really bright colors....sharp and shiny car models....really good environment graphics too... theres only 2 things about the graphics that ive noticed which are not so great. (1) the people ..look fake lol...i know it sounds dumb but its true...its probably not noticeable when ur racing but its true. (2) The track deformaties have jaggy edges also not noticeable unless ur staring at it ... I notice these things cause sometimes (dont ask me why) i like to just drive around the track making donuts and trying to ram into people (i failed) so.....
Sound 8.0/10 :
i really dont know how good the sound is cause I dont have those cars (in real life) so...i cant tell if they sound alike....therfore i just put an average score...
Value (how long u can play it) 8.7/10 :
The single player career mode will take u a while cause theres some cars and tracks to unlock...also theres splitscreen; Playing with friends is fun and can last a while too....
Online too... im just a bit worried about online cause a lot of people hear things like "Dirt blows sega rally out of the water" so they might be afraid to get the game ...therfore making online less populated ...u no wat happens to a game that has no one playing online right? yeah....hopfully that doesnt happen..cause its really fun!
OVERALL ***8.8/10 ***
Its not an average score....it just feels like an 8.8