According to the archives of this website, there actually WAS a version of this game available for the Super NES back in the 1990's; but all I know is, I certainly never remember seeing it available. Not at my local video game stores, not at my local video game rental places, not even at a Blockbuster Video Game Rental place! And I definitely never remember seeing it advertised in Nintendo Power. Although, due to the content of this game, it's pretty hard to blame those people for not advertising it more at the time. While the concept of a modern day samurai, who can transform into different power forms to beat up bad guys, isn't a mutually exclusive original idea; the fact that this guy beats up a bunch of non-living Japanese demons, ghosts, and ghouls from the past probably is. One of the more advanced combat features (especially for 1991), pretty realistic sword combat; as even though the samurai can get a Katana, two Katanas, or a big blade to attack with, enemy grunts who are also equipped with Katanas, can actually BLOCK your sword attack by defending with THEIR sword! So, while this video game was probably a MUCH easier sell back when standards for releasing video games were more lax (due to the fact that there WEREN'T any Video Game ratings when this was originally released); I highly doubt a game of this nature would be able to get released today. But still, the graphics, music, sound, controls are all top notch for a game of its time! And the best part of this game, is being able to transform! Either into a Japanese wolf-dog, a huge samurai with a sword, and a ninja who can throw lightning spells after picking up a power-up (which everyone else can do to, but his are the most powerful!) Even though there are only six stages, there are plenty of enemies to fight, and figuring out when and where to use your transformations will be helpful to make short work of the bad guys you face in this game! And the fact that it's available for relatively cheap on the Nintendo Switch, is just one more reason to check out this interesting blast from the past originally from Arcades and the Neo Geo System! I highly recommend it for the retro fighting video game enthusiast! Enough said, true believers!
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