Sengoku Basara: Samurai Heroes, may be a dynasty warriors clone, but it's one hell of a party.

User Rating: 8.5 | Sengoku Basara 3 WII
I recently saw ign's 4.5 on this game, and figured i should do something about this. Sengoku Basara: Samurai Heroes is basically a clone of Dynasty Warriors, BUT! just despite that it is I had plenty of fun with this and I even went as far to say i prefer it. So, onto the review!

Presentation: 8.0
The intro (pal) version wise is awesome, your greeted with a beatuiful, well done cgi intro that makes you want to play the game even more, the menus are pretty nice with well done art. And the character models look fantastic. The story on the other hand, makes little to no sense, and it feels more like a ( OMG WE GOT TO MAKE UP SOMETHING) moment, but all and all its still awesome!
Graphics: 8.0
The graphics look great, the levels have good variety, your character model and boss models look outstanding, and there are some really nice cgi cutscenes here and there, The only negative I could pin on this is that the enemies really need to have more variety, but its a step up to dynasty's warriors variety.
Gameplay: 8.5
Classic Controller, and nunchuk controllers work well and the action is basically button mashing, but you can make some awesome combos, and the battle system works well. It's just a shame there aren't that many moves or this game would've been perfect. Still, there are plenty of characters to mess with so it works. Oh, and the boss fights are well done.
Sound: 8.5
Yukimara and Masamane voices are really well done, and if you played devil may cry 4, or watches bleach. You'll definitely know who they are. The rest of the voice acting ranges from funny, awesome, strange, and very very few times dull. But don't worry it's awesome, my only complaint is that the victory scene repeats. But you can skip it.
Lasting Appeal: 9.0
There are plenty of characters to play as each, with there own story mode, and plus co-op is fun, and also when you beat there story mode there's a 2nd story you have to beat with them, it's really awesome.
Overall: 8.5 Great
Sengoku Basara: Samurai Heroes, is one hell of a game. And if you enjoy dynasty warriors you should definitely check this out.