Bashers gonna bash.
Great game? Sure.
Anything new or innovative that Call of Duty 4 didn't have? Barely.
Today, the main stream games are usually involved with FPS,
Call of Duty, Medal Of Honor, Bioshock, Bad Company, Fallout, Crysis, Halo, Killzone.
Now I don't mean to bash on them, in fact I love Killzone,Bad Company, Fallout , Crysis and Bad Company.
However, I can't deny that all these games are similar whether they be set in the past or the future. All of them are characters wielding guns with the staple aiming, reloading, grenades and etc.
So what am point am I trying to convey? Gamespot Reviewers are biased people. They'll praise anything FPS, but they'll bash anything similar to Hack'n Slash and Sengoku Basara needs more justice.
The only game I know that's similar to Dynasty Warriors is indeed Sengoku Basara. Despite having similarities with the soliders, army and everything, sengoku basara delivers it's own twist and originality.
It's fast paced, the characters are interesting, the areas are all around vibrant. All the characters have different movesets and weapons. The combo system is just downright awesome as you can mix it up to thrash down on your opponents.
The co-op is some of the best things I can enjoy in here. I bought this game so I can play with other friends and family during parties, and I can't deny that we were having fun with this game.
I don't have much to say about this game. However, you can't simply judge a game just because it's similar to another game.
There is no such thing as originality as many people may share similar or identical ideas, with that being said FPS games are similar but they're all fun to play, Sengoku Basara and Dynasty warriors are no exception to this statement.
Innovation and originality is great to add to games, but what truly makes a game a game is that it keeps you fun and elated.