sensible soccer
The answer is simple, they havent recreated it. The new graphics engine is ok, the big heads are amsuing for a while but you soon forget about them. The "trying to be 3D view" just doesnt suit sensible soccer.
There is so much wrong with this game its unbelievable....
1. The ball phsyics are a joke.
2. The goalkeepers are a joke
3. Its far to easy to score, most goals are run up and hit shoot at an angle and its in.4
4. Front end ? What front end, bolted on, put together in 5 mins, cant read the text rubbish.
5. Wheres the old funny commentary gone ?
6. Give me Sensible World of Soccer (amiga) anyday
7. Same as 6
8. Why are you still reading this, go and play something else.
Sorry codemasters, you have ruined the beat ever football game from the old days, you have destroyed my childhood memories of sensible soccer.
I could rant on and on about how bad this game is, even for £20 its not even worth it, so I wont go on, I`ll just say if you buy this and think its great, your mentally ill.