Two shirts for goal posts, an online community you gotta yerself a game.

User Rating: 6.5 | Sensible World of Soccer X360
Sensible World of Soccer or SWOS is a bit like penny football or as the yanks call it Quarters. Where the chances of actually scoring is just fluke and the skill involved becomes mass hysteria as you unlock your potential for league domination on a 16 bit game on a console that can process around 16Ghz of process. Feeling slightly robbed for when you can just get a miserable flash game on an internet free games website with added polophonic ring tones ads, well don't worry SWOS is "back".

Its not a bad spending of points its just you won't be unlocking all those achievements over night and your first goal will probably come from playing as Brazil vs Wigan or Fulham (who were are arguably still are a Division 3 rated team). Its just bad they haven't added Cannon Fodder to Xbox Live. So much of Xbox Live just feels a bit random, and I'm not going to even speak about the movies available.

Get SWOS if you liked playing it, its worth it, and avoid it if you just think you might not like it, because you probably won't.