When old-school games meets modern gamers.

User Rating: 8.5 | Serious Sam 3: BFE PC
When you play games like these you expect them to bring something with them to help you go through its journey.

Serious Sam has something that helped it a lot , and that is the humor that Sam has , whenever he gets in conversation with other people or with himself , he always finds a way to make you laugh ,it's something that keeps you going to see or hear what serious "funny" Sam has to say , I talked a lot about this thing , didn't I ?..,anyways apart from that the gameplay itself is very enjoyable , okay sometimes it gets repetitive but , in my opinion gamers needs game like these from time to time , maybe because it's sort of "dying" genre , but games should be more open and have different ideas , and not to be strict in same and well known ideas , first person shooter games aren't always Call of Duty and Battlefield type and I am not starting a war by that, both of the mentioned games are great , but what I am talking about is variety .. Even the experience would be more interesting, exciting and less predictable.

Overall Serious Sam is a great game and experience, don't let some graphical glitches keeps you from this game.