letme start of by saying serious sam 3 is way over the top,,inboth good and bad ways,,here my opinion;p or union pants;p
duke nukem said the hradest foes to shoot dow nthis time around aare the big ones,,exaclty with this;pp,,the hardt enemy u could possibly encounter in a game such as an extremy serious and more biazare ridiocusly serious,,serious same 3,,are the huge m0nsters,,;pp;),,even if that is true is the most difficuly enemy in the game,,it is not really diffciult but the number of then,thakn u lord,for bread and a meal;p;),,mcdonalds;ppp;),,^^,and have anice day ,,beer sun;),,with sprite ,,zero up;)
let me toos t ou a salad of a hamburger place with kepthup on,well now;pp;),,lets see;);pp^^;p,,this game is so easy,,except when u are too lazy too shoot down the enemies in the game,,and needs assistance to all the fricking levels in the game to beat the game,,which are only 9;p,,or seven;p;)
,,arcade game my azz haha;p,),,kidding=));p¨¨;)^^;)) ;)::;:)
Lacks support the game;pp;),and camera is a joke;pp;),,and more characters i nthe game would ahve been nice or very needed;p,a,dn the end;pp;)
U serioUS;pp;)),,serious same 3,,really need some more works and a spraypaint job;p;),,ilarious crazy game;pp;)
let me start of by saying,,stupid ppl u can run thorugh a whole elvel withing killing foes and enemies and beat the fukclng level,,u dont have to kill all the enemies,,hahha;p;),,and fix the **** camera;pp;)
great campaing mode,,could use some more depth and lack a ltitle more variety,,
textures are great for the most part,,a little linear but otherwise a great game with great graphics,,
story is utter ridioclous or is it,,in many ways it sems the story can be true in real life afterall,,just think about now,,comon,,think dammit think;p;),,locations are just adream to play true they are beaitufl too look at but to few,,very few,,and could use a little more veriety maps wise and it would be perfect,,,,singel player is much bettr than multiplayer cuz multiplayer lacks the spark,,and or more support and dlc its a letdown,,u can use gltiches i nthe game and soem cheat very nice and some ridioclous santa claus costumes,,i nweird ways,,its funny,,but the appeal doesnt last tooo long,,
Colors i nthis game;DD;^^
aresnal could be better and use some more variety,,co-op i nthis game is really a letdown,,same with ppl playing online cuz there are ltiteray no,One,,Doing it;),,in some ways serious same reminds me of the sterotype dukenukem,,i think this guy is much kooler if u ask me;p,,haha;p,,
selection scrreen (start screen) are nice and to look at,,and press start screen music is just creepy as hell but good creepy;p;),,,,camera a little all over the place but for the most part good,wine & cheese;p,,pants,,lickers and that stuff;p;,,;D^^,,
dont play this game coop,,i tried to finish this game faster with coop,,but it was a ultmate fail,,maybe ishould try again i dont know;p;),,the ywhere insanely dumbdumb;p;)
levels and or arenas are too huge and last too long and could use more variety,,
enemies could use some more variety,,and frankly be more,,not good enough,,
plusses best things ++ are the++ story utterly ridoucoul but at the same time feels true and identical,,its good and great;),,sterotype yes but his missions and story feel true in real lfie also,,just thin kabout it u fool hahah;p,,,options,,music,,gore,,dialog,,cutscenes,levels and their design and great textures for the most part,,level design and hte levels look pretty darn good and nice athmosphere Egypt that u get drawn into it,,that u actually want to be there,,some more levels would be nice too though
negative minus ; Camera is really broken and old godammit;pp;),sometims to bland graphics,,could use some more enemies and vriety of them,,too few weapons,,cheap ai,,cheap and extremly bad online system,,singelplayer winse by far;);p,,multpalyer needs more options,,much more,,feels a little that the game could use some more support and inspiration;p,,sometimes bland and ugly textures,,but mostly fine;);p,,Enemies u enoucnter are ridouclusly insane,,but unfortunately they are too few,,and linear;p,,sometimes the whole game ca nfeel a ltitle linear;p;)
ps; online multiplayer was a letdown,,but there potential here is huge which they took i nthe trash and garbage bin compostal,,and also a team deatmhath or deathmatch or capture the flag would be nice;pp;),,something like that;p;),,But No!!;p;)